Futures in the Heavens
Bethany Edmonds, 26, is a Maori artist about to leave on a scholarship for New York University to study the conservation of traditional textiles; Kipa Rangiheuea works at the Auckland Museum. Both are proud to be Maori and discuss the importance of their culture and June’s Matariki, Maori New Year, with Kerri Ritchie of the ABC’s ‘Word Today’ programme. Edmonds believes the Maori culture is becoming stronger in New Zealand. “I practice cultural things pretty much on a daily level. I use the Maori language as much as I possibly can,” she says. Rangiheuea says there has been a shift from traditional ways of acknowledging Matariki. “Matariki is a more entrepreneurial time for Maori to celebrate Maori in business, Maori in the arts,” he says. “The stars are shining bright and we are optimistic, but nonetheless we have to plan for our future and the years ahead.”