#15 Remembering Kiwi Achievements

This newsletter contains the original hyperlinks to the source articles, some links may have now expired. Editor.

Edge Message #15 from Brian Sweeney, producer NZEDGE.COM

To NZEDGE.COM Community

Another anniversary passes this week of the conquest of Everest. Our Hero this week is “Ed from the Edge – King of the World”. Our story is a gutsy take on the Kiwi conundrum, that heady mix of the ordinary with the extraordinary.

Much as we enjoy publishing it, I’ve put NEWZEDGE onto a two weekly cycle rather than every week, I want to concentrate the energies of our EDGE staffers on building our global audience and developing the community features of the website. You can help by recommending nzedge.com to your friends and colleagues (I know many of you do this and we are thankful).

We’ve been doing most of the talking this year and I’m keen to generate more talk back to us. We’ll do a formal poll sometime soon, in the meantime I welcome your top-of-mind thoughts on:

1. Rating us 1-10 (10 being best) on the quality of the nzedge.com experience.

2. Ideas for content you would like.

3. Interested in taking part in discussion groups/chat about NZ identity, issues, opportunities, ideas?

4. Would you purchase from the site (nzedge-branded stuff? eclectic selection of books and music? best export food/wine? etc).

5. Would you be interested in listing your name/contact details on a worldwide nzedge directory?

6. Interested in an nzedge.com email address?

7. If you believe nzedge.com has commercial legs, would you be interested in investing/owning shares?

8. Do you think the Hero stories would sell in book format (say collection of 15 at a time)?

Just hit the reply button and send us your thoughts.

Thanks for the time.
Brian Sweeney
executive editor

Thumbnail:  Moving on up.  Hillary and Tenzing on the way to final camp on the ascent to Everest. Permission RGS Picture Library

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