Edge Message #29 from Brian Sweeney, producer NZEDGE.COM
- New Mailbox out today
- Multi-Continent mail
- About NZ identity
- Kiev to Kosovo
- Auckland to Alexandra
- Valley Forge to Venice Beach
- 67 messages, raps, requests, ideas
- Response to NZ at the Edge speech
- About Brain Gain, collective memory
- Winning the world from the edge
- Please read, print, copy, send, hand around
- If you haven’t voyaged into our mailbox, please do so. We’ve refreshed and refined the Mailbox page, including a simple step towards an interactive network:
Now, if you are happy to/need to/want to have your name and email addressed published with your comment/idea/request then simply put them at the end of your message as you sign off.
If your message is not for publication, please simply say so.
Thanks very much for your mail, please write again.
Brain Sweeney
Co-Founder, Editor
Thumbnail:Sunset, Raumati South, Kapiti Coast