“Call Me Dr Johnson”

Adventure-seeking Kiwi scientist, Mark Johnson, tags 60-foot sperm whales in the Gulf of Mexico. Shrugging off comparisons with Captain Ahab (I’ve already been given three copies of Moby Dick”, complains Johnson. “Never read it”) he modestly qualifies his profession as modern science, not some gothic quest for immortality or riches. Johnson, formerly an electrical engineer with an Akld Uni PhD, hopes the survey will dramatically expand the knowledge of the behaviour and genetics of the sperm whale.

Tags: animal behaviour and genetics  Captain Ahab  Mark Johnson  modern science  MSNBC  New Zealand  sperm whales  the Gulf of Mexico  

Emilia Wickstead Helping Airline Make an Impression

Emilia Wickstead Helping Airline Make an Impression

Around the globe, airlines and hotels are collaborating with top fashion houses to reshape brand narratives, like Air New Zealand and their partnership with London-based Emilia Wickstead. Condé Nast Traveler’s Caitlin…