Distance makes special

New Zealand “is the ideal destination to gain maximum distance from everyday life” describes German magazine Geo in a special edition about this country, which includes stunning photographs of Fiordland, Nugget Point and Hoopers Inlet amongst other locations. The supplement covers the kakapo, rugby, Christchurch oy-racers, cuisine, Maori moko and in association with Wellington’s Goethe Institute, presents a photographic insert of Cuba Street portraits. The publication is sold with a DVD.

Tags: GEO Special  Kakapo  Maori tattoos  

Friedensreich Hundertwasser’s New Zealand Legacy

Friedensreich Hundertwasser’s New Zealand Legacy

“ Hundertwasser designed buildings in many countries across Europe, in California’s Napa Valley, in Israel, in Japan. But I’m not in any of those places. I’m on the other side of…