Do You Pass the Test?

Here are some of the 31 signs you are the child of New Zealand expatriates, according to viral news site, BuzzFeed. The site also recommends not forwarding the information to people with Australian parents. “Just don’t.”

At No 31: “You love Marmite to the point that you used to eat it straight.”

This is followed by No 30, which declares, “And yes, you think Marmite is better than Vegemite.”

At No 23: “Your parents speak English but no one understands them.” And at No 19, invoking the town of Ngaruawahia, “Phonics fail you when spelling out the name of the towns they are from.”

No 17: “Your parents’ idea of a crowded beach is six other people being there, and so they hate American beaches.”

And at No 13: “There’s one word for why you failed as a vegetarian: lamb.”

With a photograph of former prime minister Helen Clark, No 4: “Every time you mention anything about feminism or environmentalism your parents remind you that New Zealand is and always has been ahead of the game.”

Topping the list at No 1: “You know that New Zealand is the most magical place on earth. But the best Kiwis are your parents, who left it behind to offer you all the opportunities the big wide world has to offer, and they remind you every day how much they love you.”

Tags: Buzzfeed  Helen Clark  Marmite  Ngaruawahia  Vegemite  

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  • Craigoh - 9:31 pm on August 7th, 2013
    As an expatriate New Zealander in London, with a 5 year-old child, I need to save this article and show it to my son when's he older :-)
  • Jan Moon - 11:42 am on August 6th, 2013
    As an expat in Oz I am so proud of NZ's record with women in high places, with voting and recognition of our indigenous people, our parliamentary history, our sporting history (my relative was one of the original All Blacks back in 1906) I am so proud to be a New Zealand, and yes, I currently live in Oz, but will never ever be an Australian - and would live in NZ if I could persuade my husband to go (as would my sister who lives in UK)
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