Final Designs for New Zealand’s New Flag Chosen

“For more than a century, New Zealanders have fought wars and won Olympic medals under a flag with four red stars on a blue background and Great Britain’s Union Jack in the corner”, writes Rebecca Howard for the Wall Street Journal.

Earlier this year the New Zealand government announced a flag referendum and asked New Zealanders to submit their flag design ideas.

The initial 10,300 submitted entries were reduced to 40 by a flag consideration panel, which revealed their choice of the final four on Tuesday.

In late November or early December New Zealanders will go to the polls to rank the four designs by order of preference. The winning design will be pitted against the current flag in a second referendum in March next year.

“This is ‘history in the making’- these designs offer Kiwis a real choice to consider, think about and rank the flags,” said John Burrows, chair of the Flag Consideration Panel.

Article Source: Wall Street Journal, Rebecca Howard, September 01, 2015.

Image Source: Twitter – ABC News

Tags: Flag Consideration Panel  Flag Debate  New Zealand flag  NZ flag  Wall Street Journal (The)  

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  • Ross Williams - 1:56 am on September 8th, 2015
    As as a kiwi living abroad I would like to cast my vote now. Retain our current flag,it is the one New Zealanders have been proud to die for in the world's conflicts, won numerous sporting events and defended same under. I am proud of our flag , why change it, be proud of our heritage.
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