Railway tranquillity

New Zealand’s trains, like the country itself, offer a glimpse of an older world. Travelling from Picton to Christchurch, the Telegraph’s James Owen relishes the chance to slow down and take stock. “‘Here, you travel by train for the journey, not to get somewhere,’ explained Raewyn, who was guiding a tour group of Australians. There seemed to be no urge among those I met just to accumulate more stuff, to get somewhere ahead of everyone else. For the first time in many years I had had the time, and had felt the need, to reflect. I had taken life, like the train, at its own pace, and enjoyed it for what it showed me.”

Tags: Christchurch  Picton  Railway  Telegraph (The)  

Friedensreich Hundertwasser’s New Zealand Legacy

Friedensreich Hundertwasser’s New Zealand Legacy

“ Hundertwasser designed buildings in many countries across Europe, in California’s Napa Valley, in Israel, in Japan. But I’m not in any of those places. I’m on the other side of…