News of New Zealanders via Global Media

Kiwi Miss Marple Uncovers Cult

Kiwi Miss Marple Uncovers Cult

Repairing the premises, handing out leaflets on city streets, fundraising – not your usual college curriculum. But as some sleuthing students told Michael Durham, Winestead Hall is not your usual college, but an outpost…

Gardeners Against Government in Main-street High Noon Stand-off

Gardeners Against Government in Main-street High Noon Stand-off

“Nobody actually recorded a shotgun being fired down the main street without hitting anyone, but it could have happened”.  Easter trading hours controversy in New Zealand.

Rewi Alley Inspired Kiwi Educator Spreads the Word in Gritty Lanzhou

Rewi Alley Inspired Kiwi Educator Spreads the Word in Gritty Lanzhou

New Zealander John Wilson Hall and his Hong Kong wife who for the last five years have made their home in one of China’s poorest and most polluted cities, have set up a successful…

New Zealand Puts British-based Honorary Titles to the Sword

New Zealand Puts British-based Honorary Titles to the Sword

New Zealand has scrapped the use of the titles ‘Sir’ and ‘Dame’ in favour of a local system of honours. But those with titles, like the mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary and the diva Dame…

Your Place or Mine? NZ Cabinet Backs Gay Property Rights

Your Place or Mine? NZ Cabinet Backs Gay Property Rights

Gay and unmarried heterosexual couples are to given the same rights as married people under proposals approved by the New Zealand government.

Sir Peter Blake and Louis Vuitton Score on the Rebound for UNICEF

Sir Peter Blake and Louis Vuitton Score on the Rebound for UNICEF

Peter Blake is among the stellar collection of artists, writers, stars of show-business, sports, politics and business who have posed for a unquie collection of portraits called Rebonds, published by fashion house Louis Vuitton. The…

Kiwi Sweeps Up Aftermath of War in Kosovo

Kiwi Sweeps Up Aftermath of War in Kosovo

John Flanagan, a colonel from New Zealand, who heads the UN’s mine action coordination centre in Kosovo.  “They [Nato} may have intended to drop six bombs on one target and four go off somewhere…

FBI Feels Vengeance of Kiwi Hacker

FBI Feels Vengeance of Kiwi Hacker

e-summit Calls for Vigilance as the FBI tightened its focus on a small number of suspects.