Superorganism Adapts to Remixes and Popularity
The press has embraced Superorganism not just for its cuddly psychedelia, but also for its story – eight members, including a fresh-out-of-high-school Japanese-American lead singer, who have come together from points as diverse as New Zealand and South Korea to live and create together in a too-small house in East London. The Vancouver Sun’s Shawn Connor interviews New Zealander, guitarist and keyboardist, Christopher “Harry” Young about the band’s upcoming tour, enjoying success and generation gaps.
Young says there have been many moments in the last few months that he never expected to happen.
“We recently did a remix of Gorillaz, and Robert [Strange, the band’s visual artist] worked on doing a video remix for them. That was a crazy moment for us because I grew up listening to Blur and then Gorillaz. To have that kind of interaction and endorsement was an honour,” he says.
“Also, when we’ve played festivals like Fuji Rock and Primavera Sound in Barcelona, it’s been amazing to see that many people who not only like our music but know it. When you’re in the moment you’re in there, and it’s not until after that you look back and go, ‘Whoa. That was actually kind of mind-blowing.’”
Young tells the Sun he admires Beck, David Bowie and Kanye West.
“You couldn’t have a career like Bowie’s today. At the same time, there are certain artists whose progression you admire. We’ve become friends with the guys from Franz Ferdinand because we share a label. Those guys have been touring the world for 15 years, and they still love it. They still get along really well, and they’re upbeat, charming dudes. They don’t seem to have become jaded. That I find very inspiring.”
Superorganism plays in Columbus, Ohio on 6 September, followed by Oceanside in California on 8 September. In October, they play a series of concerts throughout the UK before heading to Europe in November.
Original article by Shawn Connor, The Vancouver Sun, August 26, 2018.
Photo by Max Hirschberger.