Blog Archives

Golden Oldies Return to the Source

Golden Oldies Return to the Source

Wellington is to host next year’s World Golden Oldies Rugby Festival, the first time the event has been held in NZ since it was launched there 28 years ago. The festival is expected to attract approximately 5,000,…

Frock Stars

Frock Stars

NZ designers made one of their strongest showings yet at this year’s Mercedes Australian Fashion Week. Sales for NZ’s top brands were well up, with Kate Sylvester now believed to be Myer’s highest designer…

Konference on Kool

Konference on Kool

US management guru Tom Peters was a keynote speaker at the 2005 Better By Design conference in Auckland. “To disregard design is to disregard me as ‘human user’. If PASSION matters, DESIGN matters. And…

NYC pie fix

NYC pie fix

NY Daily News profiles Kiwi Gareth Hughes, the brains behind NYC’s Down Under Bakery. “In Australia and NZ, meat pies are as central to the culture as pizza in New York,” says Hughes. Popular…

A field trip worth taking

A field trip worth taking

For aspiring cooks looking to learn Down Under, the Independent recommends Te Horo’s Ruth Pretty Cooking School and Catherine Bell’s Epicurean Workshop in Auckland

My Favourite Ape

My Favourite Ape

Compared with his work as an Oscar-winning director and the filmmaker behind the most popular trilogy in movie history, Peter Jackson’s first attempt to remake King Kong was by any measure amateurish. Jackson painted…

Science’s Conscience

Science’s Conscience

John Ziman, NZ-born scientist and humanist, has died aged 79. “After a brilliant youthful career in physics research he turned increasingly to reflection on the values and societal entanglements of the scientific endeavour as a whole ……

Hunt Fights for Our Rights

Hunt Fights for Our Rights

Waikato University graduate Paul Hunt has built a high profile international career as a human rights lawyer and independent expert. Hunt was elected to serve on the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in…

Powerful Proposition

Powerful Proposition

NZ utility TrustPower plans to construct what will be the southern hemisphere’s most technologically advanced wind farm in the Tararua Ranges this year. By adding 40 latest model turbines to its facility’s existing 103, TrustPower will increase…

Wine Double Feature

Wine Double Feature

A Malaysian Star story on the NZ wine industry takes as its focus the award winning Villa Maria winery. According to the writer, NZ “has developed a unique niche on the world wine stage, with wines characterised…

Kiwi Quiz Goes Global

Kiwi Quiz Goes Global

The Kids’ Lit Quiz, founded in NZ by educationalist Wayne Mills, is growing increasingly popular in the UK, where it is now in its third year. The 2004 event was won by an all female team…

Treasure Out of Ruins

Treasure Out of Ruins

The Art Deco 1910-1939 exhibition at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts describes Napier as “one of the purest Art Deco cities in the world.” An IHT article gives a detailed tour of Napier’s architectural…

Prime Real Estate

Prime Real Estate

The iconic Cardrona Hotel in Central Otago is officially on the market, with a $7 million price tag. Built in 1863, the rustic gold rush-era building features 16 guest rooms, an onsite dwelling for the owner,…

Iron-will an Inspiration

Iron-will an Inspiration

The inspiring story of Napier mother-of-four, Tracey Richardson, has made headlines around the world. Two of Richardson’s children have cystic fibrosis and, in 2002, she decided to create awareness for the disease by competing in the…

Hobblers Anonymous

Hobblers Anonymous

Paul Kennett of the NZ Police has founded what is believed to be the first broken leg recovery room online. Entitled ‘My Broken Leg,’ the website was inspired by Kennett’s own biking accident and has quickly caught…

Hot Stuff

Hot Stuff

Alice Goulter, Wellington fashion grad and newly appointed womenswear designer for Mossimo Australia, makes Cleo‘s monthly hot list. “Expect to see a difference when her designs hit stores in October.”  

Pure Gold

Pure Gold

NZ’s Olympic team kept viewers at home on tenterhooks, waiting until the second week of the Games to begin the medal haul. Caroline and Georgina Evers-Swindell took gold in the double sculls rowing, Sarah Ulmer beat…

Guardian: “NZ Near One-day Perfection”

Guardian: “NZ Near One-day Perfection”

The Black Caps cruised to victory in the NatWest ODI tri-series against England and the West Indies, beating the latter by a resounding 107 runs in the final. Daniel Vettori was named Man of the Match for…

Strictly First

Strictly First

NZ ballroom dancer Brendan Cole won the BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing contest with celebrity partner Natasha Kaplinsky. Hosted by Bruce Forsyth, the series was one of the surprise hits of…

Pushing the boundaries

Pushing the boundaries

Dunedin born dancer/choreographer Carol Brown has won two major European awards; the NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology & the Arts) Dream Time Award in the UK, and the Ludwig Forum International Art…

Long and winding road

Long and winding road

The Statesman talks to nomadic NZ writer, Will Marks, about his ongoing love affair with India while reviewing his debut novel, The Highway. “I didn’t have a lot of expectations of India but when…

Epic Moments Remembered

Epic Moments Remembered

The world commemorated the 60th anniversary of D-Day on June 6, with war veterans and international leaders (including PM Helen Clark) gathering in France to pay their respects. NZ lost more soldiers proportionately than any other country…

Beach houses

Beach houses

“Self-catering in NZ has never been sexier.” The Observer rates four of the North Island’s most luxurious retreats; the Glass House on Waiheke Island (“this is a beach house in the same way that…

Puckish Psathas

Puckish Psathas

NZ composer John Psathas applauded in the Guardian‘s review of his collaboration with the Netherlands Wind Ensemble in Bath. “This concert, entitled Zeibekiko, threw a puckish girdle round the world as … John Psathas…

Grant Works His Magic

Grant Works His Magic

Malcolm Grant – former Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, now Provost of University College London – profiled in the Guardian. UCL’s retiring professor of English, John Sutherland, noted his ‘impeccable academic pedigree’ (Grant is a lawyer and…

Chelsea Flower Gold Show.

Chelsea Flower Gold Show.

The 100% Pure New Zealand Ora – garden of wellbeing, won one of four gold medals at the Chelsea Flower Show in London. The garden was designed by Kim Jarrett, Trish Waugh and Lionel Grant, and…

Hero’s Exit for Cairns

Hero’s Exit for Cairns

Chris Cairns retired from international Test cricket with a bang on the Black Caps tour of England. In the second Test he beat Viv Richards’ previous record of 84 Test sixes, knocking four sixes and 10 fours…

“For Many NZ is the New Utopia”

“For Many NZ is the New Utopia”

20 April 2004 – The flood of US immigrants seeking a better life in NZ continues – with good reason, according to a lengthy San Francisco Gate article. “It’s like California, it’s like San…

Down Under Distillery on Top

Down Under Distillery on Top

The international success of NZ’s 42BELOW vodka has dealt big brand owners “a hard lesson in what not to do when wooing a global consumer tribe of super groovers with money to burn.” 42BELOW has joined Grey…

Te Reo On Air

Te Reo On Air

BBC notes the launch of NZ’s first nationwide Maori language TV station. The inaugural broadcast comes 13 years after the Supreme Court ruled that the government was legally bound (by the Treaty of Waitangi) to protect its…

What’s cooking good looking?

What’s cooking good looking?

NZ-born Brad Farmerie – head chef at Peter Gordon’s Public – was named one of the New York culinary scene’s rising stars, in a Post piece entitled ‘Lord of the Ranges.’ As well as…

Talent with Depth

Talent with Depth

Observer wine critic, Tim Atkin, looks beyond the ubiquitous NZ Sauvignon Blanc, recommending instead our Pinot Gris, Riesling, Syrah, and – above all – Pinot Noir. “NZ may produce only 0.79 per cent of the world’s vino,…

Roughing It?

Roughing It?

Base Backpacker’s newly launched Sanctuary facilities – luxury, women’s-only levels in its Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch hostels – featured in the LA Times‘ Youth Watch column. “With bungee jumping, backpacker buses and some of the best…

Quality Export

Quality Export

Former Wellington Saints player, Calum MacLeod, is the latest Kiwi basketballer to be snapped up by the US college league. The 20-year-old – who stands a fraction under 7 feet – has been accepted at Seattle’s Gonzaga…

Down Under Up-and-coming

Down Under Up-and-coming

CNN profiles the rash of Australasian talent currently infiltrating PGA ranks. Included in its top ten are two NZ golfers, “since to North Americans they’re Down Under, too” – Michael Campbell (world ranking 45) and Phil Tataurangi…

Track Star

Track Star

The Observer‘s “20 journeys of a lifetime” includes NZ’s legendary Milford Track. “Traversing the heart of South Island’s wild fjord country, the Milford Track is often described as the finest walk in the world. Famed for spectacular…

Recognition for Political Torchbearer

Recognition for Political Torchbearer

Mayor of Dunedin, Sukhi Turner, has been conferred the Indian government’s highest honour for non-resident civilians, the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award for the Indian Diaspora. She is the first New Zealander to receive the award, and one of…

Lord of PR

Lord of PR

Pete Hodgson – AKA ‘Minister of the Rings’ – dubbed “the most intelligent politician I have ever met” by National Post journalist, Cleo Paskal, in her article on the government-supported LotR publicity machine. “It…

Uggly in pink

Uggly in pink

LA Times profiles that old Kiwi staple, the Ugg Boot, which  thanks to appearances on Sex & the City and Oprah  has been elevated from surfer’s necessity to fashion accessory. “They’re selling…

Now Wear This

Now Wear This

Boston Globe profiles Nelson’s World of Wearable Art (WOW), which has grown “from a soggy one-night affair in a tent 16 years ago to become one of New Zealand’s iconic arts events,…

#68: New World Modernism

#68: New World Modernism

Edge Message #68 from Brian Sweeney, producer NZEDGE.COM TO NEW ZEALAND EDGE GLOBAL COMMUNITY DECEMBER’S LIST OF NEW WORLD MODERNISTS IN THE GLOBAL MEDIA: Director! Director! Peter Jackson’s Return of the King everywhere, Weta Workshop, Wellywood,…

Knowledge Economist

Knowledge Economist

Finance Minister and Deputy PM, Dr. Michael Cullen, articulates the edge phenomenon in a lengthy interview with the  Economist. ” a very significant solid eclectic range of niche manufacturing and service industries which have developed in…

Rings-led Revolution

Rings-led Revolution

“New Zealand has had a day like no other”. The world premiere of The Return of the King in Wellington outshone all expectations, with a 100,000+ crowd lining the route of the spectacular…

Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord

Peter Jackson: “‘He’s as cool as an elf, he has the heart of a hobbit, and he’s as mad as a wizard.’ That’s the awestruck opinion of Lord Of The Rings star…

Russ stands his ground

Russ stands his ground

“I’d move to LA if Australia and NZ were swallowed up in a huge tidal wave.” December cover feature by UK Vanity Fair finds Russell Crowe firmly rooted Down Under despite being one of…

Get Real

Get Real

Brent Hansen, NZ-born MTV Europe chief executive, criticises the current obsession with ready-made pop stars epitomised by hit reality Television show, American/Australian Idol: “These programs make good TV but from a musical point of…

Hard-edged Cinema

Hard-edged Cinema

05 November 2003 – Empire magazine applauds Christine Jeff’s Sylvia  the biopic of American poet Sylvia Plath starring Gwyneth Paltrow – calling it “a moving and supremely acted account of the writer’s life, her…

A star is Bourne

A star is Bourne

NZ actor Karl Urban, currently galloping across screens as Eomer in the LotR trilogy, will next appear in two major Hollywood sequels for cult sci-fi / horror flick, Pitch Black, and as Matt Damon’s…

Off the Map, On the Edge

Off the Map, On the Edge

Moko: Art of Nature, by Serena Stevenson and George Nuku, is to screen at this year’s Resfest digital film festival in the US. Resfest was established in 1997 as a forum for cinema breaking new technological…

42 Below NZSX-y

42 Below NZSX-y

Award-winning NZ vodka label, 42 Below – has enlisted the help of Kiwi supermodel Kylie Bax and San Antonio Spurs basketball player Sean Marks to promote his product in the lucrative US market….

In the frame … again

In the frame … again

Janet Frame was again shortlisted for the Nobel Prize for Literature for a second time, despite making the Swedish Academy’s top five finalists and being picked to win by one of the country’s…

No worries for Wunderkid

No worries for Wunderkid

Dunedin-born baritone, Jonathan Lemalu, is soon to make his Royal Opera House debut as Zoroastro in Handel’s Orlando. Described by the Guardian as “ the next Bryn Terfel,” his career has skyrocketed since graduating…

A New Kind of Filmmaking: Blockbuster with Brains

A New Kind of Filmmaking: Blockbuster with Brains

Anticipating the release of Return of the King, NYT film critic Elvis Mitchell singles out the breezy braininess of Peter Jackson’s craft for exemplary praise: “Mr. Jackson has been carefully applying layers of emotional…

Teen Queens Fly High

Teen Queens Fly High

The latest designs by Deborah Sweeney and Karen Walker feature in Oyster magazine’s August/September issue. Sweeney’s aviatrix-inspired ‘Fli-Girl’ collection – a salute to original fly-girls Amelia Earhart and Jean Batten – teams mini parachute…

Kiwi Juice Goes Global

Kiwi Juice Goes Global

Auckland-based kiwifruit juice manufacturers – Nekta International Limited – have made a successful entry into the US market. Sales have “exceeded expectations” since the product was lauched there in June. Nekta is already sold in Australia, Asia,…

Iron Will

Iron Will

Golfer Phil Tataurangi has returned from injury in time to defend his Las Vegas Invitational title in October. Tataurangi was forced to drop out of the professional circuit in May in order to have corrective surgery on…