Business | New York Times (The)
15 May 2013
New Zealand’s luxury boat builders have always made boats that ‘defeat the odds, break records and collect awards,’ writes Maria Alafouzou in the New York Times. You might think, at first glance, that a…
Watersports | RTE
21 August 2008
World champion Auckland windsurfer Tom Ashley, 24, sailed past his rivals, to claim first place in the men’s competition and a gold medal, the third won by the New Zealand Olympic contingent in Beijing….
America’s Cup | Sports Illustrated
5 December 2002
Uncooperative wind and weather has made for a rather patchy America’s Cup series so far. Luckily, viewer-distraction has been provided in the form of feuding billionaires. Sports Illustrated: “Yachting has never been a sport for the masses, but…
Z-Files | Guardian (The)
17 April 2001
Crew-member Rob Salvidge said goodbye to round-the-world challenger Tony Bullimore at “a late-night cook-up in a Maori taxi-drivers’ cafe in Wellington”.
Watersports | Scotsman (The)
30 January 2001
Former AB Zinzan Brooke shucks his rugby jersey and climbs aboard the Team Veritas yacht for a leg of the BT Global Challenge.
Z-Files | Ananova
25 January 2001
Metropolitan Auckland: high rise, IT, yachts – and chickens in the city parks.